About Our Club
The Rotary Club of Sparks Centennial Sunrise was chartered on February 23, 2005 with 33 charter members. Our club was sponsored by all the Area Eight (Reno/Sparks) Rotary clubs and owes its existence to the work of Past President Scott Barnes, Past President David Read (Sparks Downtown) and Past President Vicki Puliz (Sparks Downtown).
A President is nominated at least 24 to 36 months in advance. This allows a President to have two years of preparation in leadership positions prior to assuming the duties and responsibilities of leading the club. He or she assumes the role of Vice President and President Nominee two years before his/her term and President Elect during the year prior to their term of President. A President’s term begins on July 1, and ends the following June 30. Club members should refer to the President by using her/his title and first name. The President for the current year (2021-2022) is shared; by Susan Day, Shelley Neate, Brenda Mercer, and Bob LaRiviere.
Once a club member has served as President, he/she is demoted (usually by a ceremony or party in their honor.) The title of a former President is officially, ‘Past President’. We currently have 4 Club Past Presidents still active in our membership. Two have served as President’s of other clubs and one (Scott Barnes) has served as President twice, the second time as our Charter President. They are as follows:
Scott Barnes (Reno Central) 2001-02
(Sparks Centennial Sunrise) 2005-06
Bob LaRiviere (Sparks Centennial Sunrise) 2008-09
Susan Day (Sparks Centennial Sunrise) 2009-10
Tina Spencer-Mulhern (Sparks Centennial Sunrise) 2010-2011
Brenda Mercer (Sparks Centennial Sunrise) 2018-2019
Kristopher Dahir (Sparks Centennial Sunrise) 2019-2021
Our club is governed by a Board of Directors that include the Officers (President, President Elect, Vice President, Immediate Past President, Secretary, Treasurer, Sergeant of Arms,) and five directors who serve as the primary club committee chairs (Membership, Community Service, Foundation, Club Administration, and Publicity.) Board members are nominated and elected by a vote of the club membership. Currently the meetings are normally held on the third Tuesday of the month at 5:30 pm at the Homegate Realty Office in Sparks. All club members are invited to attend the Board meetings.
Each year the club organizes several events. Past events have included:
Golf Tournaments
Holiday and Post Holiday Dinners
Night at Reno Aces Baseball
Wine Tastings
Murder Mystery Dinners
Greeting the Returning Troops
Various Club Socials
The official time for our meeting is 7:00 AM on Thursdays at the Resort at Red Hawk Event Center (unless otherwise announced.)
Club members and guests gather from 6:45 to 7:00 AM and we have a social time from 6:45 to 7:10 AM.
Breakfast costs $20.00.
A drawing is held at the end of the meeting. Tickets can be purchased at the Secretary’s table (in the back) for $5.00 for 8 tickets. The prize is a $10 and a chance to win half of the Queen of Hearts pot. The pot continues to grow until someone wins it.
At approximately 7:10 to 7:15 AM the President rings the bell to begin the meeting. At that time we stand for the pledge of allegiance to the flag. A Thought of the Day and ‘Rotary ABC’s’ will follow the pledge.
Once the meeting is brought to order all cell phones are to be off, or in a quiet mode. A cell phone that is audible during a meeting will almost always result in a recognition award of at least two dollars.
Introduction of guests and Red Badge members (they stand as introduced) is followed by recognition of birthdays, anniversaries, and Happy Times (Happy Times are an opportunity for a member to meet their $100.00 obligation to the club for Happy news or events in the member’s life – See RECOGNITION AWARDS below.)
Members who could not attend the meeting will be recognized.
Announcements of upcoming events and meetings follows the Recognition time.
Breakfast is usually served around 7:30 AM
At 8:00 AM our Speaker is introduced.
The meeting ends at 8:30 AM.
If you must leave early you should go to the speaker and introduce yourself and explain that you will be leaving early, and then leave prior to the introduction.
Bringing a guest is encouraged. If you bring a guest, you are expected to pay for your guest’s meal; however, by paying for your guest’s meal you receive a make up credit good for one month prior to or after that meeting.
If the President says that ‘we are dark next week’ it means that the regular meeting is canceled. In most cases meetings are only canceled due to another event that all members are expected to attend that week.
All members are expected to attend all meetings. If a member cannot make a meeting they can make up the meeting the week before or the week after the missed meeting by attending another club ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD or they can make up the meeting by going to www.rotaryeclubone.org. Committee meetings and Board meetings count as make up. If in doubt, ask the Club Secretary. If it is impossible for a member to make up the meeting, they must pay $12.00 to the club.